Saturday, May 29, 2010

Baby Shower, Baby Shower!

I was recently lucky enough to spend some time with two girls that were my best buds EARLY in our lives. Stacy is a graphic designer (and soon-to-be party planner), and she was the hostess. The details were just ridiculous (in a good way). I'm pretty sure I'll ask her to plan my next party...which will be a shuper-hero third bday party for my oldest. Anyway, back to Stacy...the food, the decor, the games, the! I was impressed! And, I can't stop before I mention Amber. Our parents were actually friends in high school, so we go WAY back, but I hadn't seen Amber in like more than a pre-college, pre-marriage, pre-baby, so it was so different. My memories of Amber go back to like playing on the slip-n-slide we ave kids! It's crazy how that works:) I was so happy to be able to surprise Amber (as a gift from Stacy) and photography her first baby's shower and do some newborn photos after the shower. Here are a few of the party details and some of Amber and her family. Enjoy!


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